Saturday, 12 November 2011

Alberto Santos Billido Photography

All Tangled Up

Photographer: Alberto Santos Billido
Hair and Make Up: Myself


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. These photos of you are fabulous!
    Your hair and makeup look beautiful.
    I am loving the appearance of the outfit you were wearing...
    You look gorgeous, dominant and worthy of being worshipped.
    Sorry I took so long (more than 13 years) to find you...
    and I am hoping all is well with you..
    You are definitely a star!!!!!!

    My February 13, 2022 lingerie fashion bloggers post:
    Recap 2: More Full Brief Panty-Modelling Photos LABELED FREE FOR RE-USE
    My lingerie fashion YouTube (misterpantybuns's channel) customer full brief panty modelling and review videos
